Rosengårdsstråket – Interaction Designed

Rosengårdsstråket – Interaction Designed


Connecting different parts of Malmö

Commissioned by the City of Malmö Unsworn Industries is running a project aiming at contributing to the development of Rosengårdsstråket, a bike path that stretches between Möllevången and Rosengård in Malmö. Expected outcomes of the project are a number of interaction design concepts which in the next phase can be implemented, and set up along the pathway. The overall project aim is to stimulate movements, and increase the connection between the inner city and the suburbs to create a more sustainable city.

The concepts are developed in a prototype-oriented, interative design process. Besides City of Malmö and Unsworn Industries other partners involved in the project are Urban Art Solutions, Medea at Malmö University, and Do-Fi.

Workshops and Prototypes

Up to now two workshops have been organised, and a number of prototypes designed and tested:

More documentation from the process so far are available here, here and here.